Κ. Βαλαβάνης: (Licenced Psychologist - Εισηγητής και Εκπαιδευτής του Διεθνώς Πιστοποιημένου Επαγγελματικού Προγράμματος Εκπαίδευσης και Εξειδίκευσης στη Γνωσιακή Συμπεριφορική Κλινική Υπνοθεραπεία και Εισηγητής των Πιστοποιημένων Σεμιναρίων Συνεχιζόμενης Εκπαίδευσης του Κέντρου Ψυχοθεραπείας και Μοντέρνας Εφαρμοσμένης Ψυχολογίας σε θέματα συμβουλευτικής (counselling), γνωσιακής συμπεριφορικής θεραπείας (CBT), κλινικής υπνοθεραπείας (evidence-based clinical hypnotherapy), νευρογλωσσικού προγραμματισμού (NLP), ενσυνειδητότητας (Mindfulness), κλινικής & συμβουλευτικής ψυχολογίας)
Επαγγελματικό Μέλος Επιστημονικών Συλλόγων - Professional Memberships
1. British Psychological Society (BPS) - BPS Accredited Certificate in Clinical Supervision CSAccred. (AAS)
2. Accredited and registered member of CNHC (Complementary and Natural Health Care Council – Professional Standards Authority)
3. American Psychological Association (APA)
4. American Academy of Clinical Psychology (AACPSY)
5. Australian Counseling Association (ACA)
6. National / International Council of Psychotherapy (NCP/ICP) Registered and certified Supervisor / Accredited Member
7. National Society of Psychotherapists (NSPsy)
8. American Counseling Association (ACA) - Professional Member
9. International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
10. Senior Member of Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists, Hypnotherapists (ACCPH) - Registered Supervisor
11. Professional Hypnotherapy Practitioners Association (PHPA)
12. American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ABNLP)
13. American Hypnosis Association (AHA)
14. International Institute of Complementary Therapies (IICT)
15. International Practitioners of Holistic Therapies (IPHM)
16. Complementary Therapists Accredited Association (CThAA)
17. Professional Membership, TheAchology, The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology
18. Transformation Coaches Directory, Transformational Coaching Academy
19. British Holistic Medical Association (BHMA)
20. NLP Global Standards Association (NLPGSA)
21. The Royle Institute of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (RIHP)
22. The Professional Hypnotherapy Network (PHN)
23. American Alliance of Hypnotists (AAH) (Certified Hypnosis Trainer)
24. American Union of NLP (AUNLP) (Certified NLP Trainer)
25. The National Society of Talking Therapies (Fellow Member, FNSTT)
26. International/National Council of Psychotherapists (ICP/NCP) - Registered and certified Supervisor / Accredited Member
27. International Guild for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Practitioners (iGCBT) - Αccredited CBT TRAINER
28. International Guild for NLP Practitioners (iGNLP) - CERTIFIED NLP MASTER PRACTITIONER
29. UK Council of Hypnotherapy (UKCH - Professional Member)
30. National Association of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies (NABCT)
31. International Guild of Hypnotherapy Practitioners (iGHyp) - CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPY TRAINER
32. International Guild for Personal & Professional Advancement (iGPPA) - iGCLC GESTALT PRACTITIONER CERTIFIED MEMBER
33. International Guild for Personal & Professional Advancement (iGPPA) - iGCLC MINDFULNESS COACH PRACTITIONER CERTIFIED MEMBER
34. Complementary Medical Association (CMA) - Αccredited Training Provider
35. International Association of Accredited Coaches, Therapists, Mentors (IACTM) - Accredited Training Provider
36. International Hypnosis Association (IHA) - Accredited Training Provider
37. International Association of Therapists (IAOTH) - Accredited Training Provider
38. International Natural Healers Association (INHA) - Professional Member
39. International Council of Psychologists (ICP) - Professional Affiliate Member
40. International Society of Psychotherapy and Counselling - Accredited and Licensed Counsellor
Κέντρο Ψυχοθεραπείας και Μοντέρνας Εφαρμοσμένης Ψυχολογίας
Τηλ: 210/6142343 - κιν: 6987206772
Ήβης 17 Μαρούσι, Πλησίον ΗΣΑΠ, 15124
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