(when consiousness activate the self-healing process )
Double Holotropic Breathwork seminar
(The music sets will be converded in the natural frequency of 432 Hz)
English translation will be offered.
English version.
Start: 09 Jule 2025 at 5 pm
Closure: 13 Jule 2025 around 3 pm.
At the hotel https://www.mariva.gr/ a few steps from the pedestals of "paradise", in Therma, on the sacred and mysterious island of Samothrace (where the ancient Greek mysteries were born)
The workshop will be lead by psychiatrist, Heartmath and Holotropic facilitator, jugian psychotherapistic, and holistic medical doctor KONSTANTINOS FYTOPOULOS .
The therapeutic group will be accompanied by other certificated Holotropic Breathwork facilitators.
EVANGELIA VLATSIOU, Graduate of English Language & Literature and Holistic Yoga Teacher / Thai Massage Therapist will offer the morning yoga and translation into English.
Holotropic Breathwork is one of the most powerful and effective techniques of self-exploration and transformation that has emerged from the research into the potential for widening consciousness over the past 50 years from the field of Transpersonal Psychology. It incorporates elements from the rituals of indigenous and pre-Columbian civilizations, from Eastern spiritual practices and the mystical traditions of the world, as well as modern research into the expanded mapping of consciousness.
The purpose of Holotropic Breathwork is to encourage and assist the individuals to dive into the depths of their souls by gaining access to the areas, the ones before and beyond our traumatic area, our personal divisiveness and neurotic personality.
The word "Holotropic" indicates the overcoming of the internal fragmentation and the sense of separation of the individual from the environment, himself and the Whole. It is also a gateway to the spiritual path of unified existence.
The name Holotropic, literally means "moving towards wholeness" (from the Greek words "whole" and "turn").
In many ancient traditions, sacred plants and rituals have been used to create holotropic states. In Holotropic Breathwork, individuals enter into these profoundly transforming states of consciousness in a safe environment, only with the power of their own breath.
This state is activated and directed by the inner therapeutical wisdom of each person, depending on its one readiness, resistance or availability. The process is non-invasive / non-directional and is fully driven by the individual's internal healing intelligence and authority. The unconscious material that emerges in the foreground is unique to every human being in the specific time and space and has a strong transformational, therapeutic and unifying effect.
In holotropic states, the soul has the amazing healing ability to choose and bring unconscious content to our awareness, often with a strong emotional charge and with great synchronic and meaningful value. Holotropic states allow us to gain access to the deeper layers of the soul and to see from a wider, expanded spectrum our life and its meaning. They enable a wide range of unconscious material to come to light: memories related to the life of the person (even episodes that have been forgotten or suppressed), physical and sensory memories, physical sensations associated with psychosomatic problems, emotions associated with important experiences, aspects of personal and collective unconscious, karmic memories, cell memories and memories associated with our birth, shamanic visions, archetypal content, spiritual experiences, etc.
Holotropic Breathwork ™ is a powerful tool for our inner journeys into the areas of the soul, which are beyond time and duality. It is a gateway to the transpersonal dimensions of the Soul, which helps the transition of the perspective from ego to cosmic consciousness.
Early bird : registration and deposit 300€, until the 24th of May 2024!
The cost (including accommodation and full board) is 770€ in a double room, or 860€ in a single room.
For registration after 24/5/24 (and if there are still places available) the cost will be 880€ in a double room, or 970€ in a single room.
This will be a double breathwork workshop, so each participant will breathe twice and will be a sitter two times also.
If you have any severe physical or mental conditions please contact dr. Konstantinos Fytopoulos at fytopoulosk@gmail.com and 00306936697444 in advance to exclude any possible contraindications.
00306936697444 and fytopoulosk@gmail.com
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